What to Say When Your Patient
Asks You to DISCOUNT Your Fee

Case Acceptance

Comments (11)

This Blog has 11 comments

  • Ronald Luke

    On reducing fees, we create a win-win. Simply say, Listen Bob, what we can do is, if you pay cash, we will give you a 10% treatment fee reduction. Office wins, he wins. :)
  • Dr.Don Roth

    we routinely offer a 5-10% on prepayment of the entire fees at start of treatment...we offer 5% for credit cards and 10% or cash/ check...90% of our patients take the 10%...we also give patients a complimentry recall visit (prophy) for every new patient they refer. This is great for everyone.
  • Anne Fleischmann

    I agree with the 10% reduction for paying in full prior to commencing the case. I might also add that if one succumbs to reducing fees, it appears that you have doubts about your quality of care. By 'sticking to your guns', you show the patient that you have confidence in your care, skill and judgment to provide the service. It's subtle, but very important.
  • Dr.Tom Orent

    Hi Ronald, TOTALLY agree... but you'd want to be clear that they are PREPAYING entire case and not just paying "cash" visit by visit. E.g., if they have perio phase I, some fillings and a few crowns for a total of $5,000.00, they can PREPAY the case at the start (I'd allow them to use credit cards, check or cash) for a "Prepayment Courtesy" of 10%, thus paying only $4,500.
  • Lisa Weber

    Great Article Tom!

    I Love the idea of offering 12 months of preventive services (only for the patient who had the major case done) as a way to negotiate a request for a discount.

    I think I would also like to use it as a "bonus" to those patients who are on the fence about treatment, but have not asked for a discount. Sometimes the "bonus" may get them to go ahead with treatment. Think about how bonuses work in sales....the Sports Illustrated example! We often subscribe to the magazine just to get the bonus because of it's perceived value. Of course if the patient has dental insurance I'd ask for assignment of any benefits. It's still no money out of their pockets for the 12 months of maintenance visits.

    As far as a discount, we offer a 5% book keeping courtesy for prepayment one week in advance by cash or check only. One week in advance is the MANDATORY part and was borrowed from our plastic surgeon friends. It reserves the appointment. And since these larger cases take time, you don't want someone blowing you off at the last minute! When you have payment in full in advance, the patient most often shows up!

    Also we do not offer a courtesy for credit card payments as the doctor is already paying a fee to the credit card company as well.

    Hope this helps, and again, LOVED the article. It got me thinking about how many other ways I can use this in our practice!

    Lisa Weber, RDH
    The $600K RDH
  • Kate RN Bare

    Love it! Prevention and awareness of the oral -systemic connection is vital. The more education we offer the community of patients we serve the better their overall health will be! I love your offer of included preventative services for more then one reason. First and foremost the patient "feels" like he got something... Secondly... my non-prime hygiene appt's/ voids in my schedule can be remedied through utilizing this empty space for "complimentary care visits" Excellent idea! Thank you Kate
  • Dr.Tom Orent

    my pleasure Kate. Delighted you enjoyed! Keep up the great work. I LOVE your enthusiasm!

    warm regards,
  • Dr. Jorge Montes

    This short little article helped a lot in how to handle the discounts that so many patients ask for. I stay away when the treatment coordinator is making financial arrangements. Many times the patients say, "Can I talk to the doctor" and its always about asking for a break. I understand and I feel for the patients and I usually give in and give a discount. But only if they pay in advance. But I have to confess that I will give a discount. Giving bonuses seems like a better idea. Thanks for the Article.
    Dr. Montes
  • Dr. Frank Berman

    Great article Tom. Thank you!
  • Dr.Tom Orent

    Delighted you enjoyed it Frank. It's a simple concept, but it WORKS now and then... and when it does, you save a great patient, get to do a potentially big case, and most often keep that patient for many years to come.

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