I distinctly remember last week telling my wife, Elizabeth the Engineer, "We're almost in March... looks like we're going to get away without any significant snow this winter!" If you're in the Northeast and you were hit by the blizzard the wee morning hours yesterday, I guess you could blame it on me! Perhaps if I hadn't said anything there might not have been a storm?
Can't tell you how many people live in New England and complain about the cold and the snow. Hmmm. I look at it (very) differently. I've lectured in 48 states and four countries around the world and have seen some beautiful parts of the world. But there is little that compares to the beauty of this next photo I shot this morning with my phone from my living room... right here, at home...

Where Do You Find YOUR Happiness?
I love the look of the fresh white blanket of 16 inches of new snow covering our backyard yesterday. My dogs, Ginger and Jamie couldn't wait to get outside to play Dolphin. That's what Elizabeth and I call it when a dog 16 inches at the shoulder is bounding up and down through 16 inches of fresh snow! It's only 18 degrees but the sun shone so brightly that the snow began to melt and slide off our skylights (photo above).
We make choices, consciously or otherwise. Choices that in large part determine our level of happiness (or un). Elizabeth kids me and says I have an "Auto Amuse" syndrome. Referring to the fact that I get such pleasure from the simplest things in life. Watching my dogs run through the snow. Watching the birds enjoy the nine feeders in my backyard following the storm.
Next time you have a rough patch during the day, choose to refocus your attention on a few of the things in life for which you are grateful. Might be your family, could be that patient who came back yesterday three hours after her appointment... not to complain of a high spot, rather, to drop off some homemade chocolate chip cookies she made for you and your team.
This morning I watched a family of deer walk through my backyard. The morning after the blizzard I saw the most beautiful fox. Happiness also comes from the feeling we get after helping others. My mom (without whom Planet Gems never would have happened) passed away last summer. Recently I took a trip back to my mom's nursing home to drop off some dessert goodies for her friends with whom she ate dinner every night. They were happy (surprised!) to see me and clearly enjoyed the visit (and the goodies!). Finding happiness... sharing happiness. It's an ongoing conscious choice.
To your happiness, health and prosperity.
Warm regards,
Remember... you're only one Gem away!
PS If you're not yet a member of our Gems Family... Elizabeth and I would love to have you with us. Our mission... "Together we are dedicated to helping improve the health and longevity of 3,000,000 people... one smile at a time!" To learn more about Gems Platinum membership and to join our movement, go to www.GemsAreEasy.com/303372
PPS As a Gems Family member, in the process of helping your patients achieve better health, YOU can achieve measurably increased wealth... "Gems" can help you create the practice you desire while LIVING the LIFE of your DREAMS! go to www.GemsAreEasy.com/303372
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